Clutter, Routine and Other Boring Grown Up Stuff

 When I quit my job, I was mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted.  I was a workaholic ("was" being used only because I'm not working anymore).  I worked to the point that I seriously didn't know what to do with myself when I was not working.  It's been 6 weeks since my last day.  And I have been out of town twice.

I've discovered that I am NOT great with a lot of down time.  I can waste time like no one's business.  I have binge watched short videos, Netflix series, etc.   Sure, there are plenty of things I could do to keep myself busy but that is not my goal.   My goal is to not do shit that doesn't bring joy to my life.  Yup, first world problem.

One thing I've realized is that I have to add some routine and structure to my days.  I did personal organizing for a couple of years for people.  It's fun doing other people's decluttering but my own, not so much.  I have to still go through the things from my parents' home that I couldn't bear to give up in the very quick 2 weeks I emptied their home, sheds and garages.  I only kept what I could fit in my own garage.  I gave away a lot to friends and family.  Now I have things that were worth money 10 years ago but really, no one is buying these days.  I've come to realize that I need to make it a "job" and become a workaholic in this task.  I know what to do - the do I use it, do I love it or am I just used to having it...

I've dabbled a bit inside the house.  I cleaned out beneath my bathroom cabinets.  I got rid of half a 13 gallon bag of garbage (out of date, half used, etc).  Then I gave away about the same amount of travel items, gifts that I won't use of lotions, etc.  Funny what we buy when we are not organized.  I have 25 dental floss, 12 razor soap refill cartridges, tons of sunscreen and no extra deoderant.  My goal is to not have so much extras of things- to only have one extra of things and purchase as I go unless I see a great sale.  I also got rid of a set of dishes, bowls and some miscellaneous things that I just didn't use but was used to having around.  

As many of you know, I love to decorate for holidays.....I've purged my decorations.  If it doesn't have GREAT sentimental value and I'm not using it in my current home, out it goes.

Yup.  Monday is the day.  I will have a schedule for Monday with "goals"......should be interesting. 

Anyone else out there on a mission of decluttering?


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