
Over the past few months, I have spent some time on the concept of discernment.  Done right- it is exhausting.  Exhausting!  Exhausting.

Remember that line in the movie, Yia Yia Sisterhood when Vivi says, "I take a problem and chew on it 'til all the flavors gone, and then stick it in my hair."  That.  

My spiritual advisor said that discerning is like sifting.  You sift everything out until it's all sorted.  If you don't come out with a decision you start again, sometimes using a different filter to see what's left at the end.

I digress.  I'm Catholic so the Holy Trinity is alive and well in my prayer life.  I see the Father as the authority figure, the all wise, all knowing, ride or die (“Ride or Die: The highest level of loyalty you’ll ever find in a person).  With my latest discerning issue, God and I are at odds.  I am asking for direction and answers and boy it's not coming through.  I pray, I beg - it's not pretty.  For me, Jesus is more my peer, my friend.....I'm stamping my foot in frustration at God and Jesus puts his arm around my shoulders and walks me away sympathizing - "parents!"  

Then there is the Holy Spirit- for me the Holy Spirit represents the universe.  I throw it out to the Holy Spirit saying, "Catch!"  Then I wait and see what comes back.

This time, all my confidants and trusted peeps are giving me the same answer and yet - I am not sure.  Actually quite unusual for me.....I don't take a ton of time discerning.  

A definition is:

Discernment is defined as the ability to notice the fine-point details, the ability to judge something well or the ability to understand and comprehend something. 

Not very sexy but of course the chewing the flavor out of the issue like it's a piece of grey gum isn't sexy either. 

Nonetheless.....discernment.  Making a decision after sifting through the facts and feelings using any filter in your toolbox and asking for divine inspiration.  That's my definition.

What's yours?


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