
Showing posts from April, 2022

Clutter, Routine and Other Boring Grown Up Stuff

 When I quit my job, I was mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted.  I was a workaholic ("was" being used only because I'm not working anymore).  I worked to the point that I seriously didn't know what to do with myself when I was not working.  It's been 6 weeks since my last day.  And I have been out of town twice. I've discovered that I am NOT great with a lot of down time.  I can waste time like no one's business.  I have binge watched short videos, Netflix series, etc.   Sure, there are plenty of things I could do to keep myself busy but that is not my goal.   My goal is to not do shit that doesn't bring joy to my life.  Yup, first world problem. One thing I've realized is that I have to add some routine and structure to my days.  I did personal organizing for a couple of years for people.  It's fun doing other people's decluttering but my own, not so much.  I have to still go through the things from my parents' home that I c

Grace, Gratitude & God

What's in your heart?   I've been thinking about one of my favorite phrases recently - "Fake it until you feel it" In the past couple of weeks, I have had some people make hurtful comments.  Those comments have hurt my feelings, made me feel resentful and unappreciated.  I don't sit well with those types of feelings, never have.   It's quite simple - the grass on the side you water is the grass that grows.  I can find people to live in the negative with me and validate those feelings OR I can hop the fence to another side and nurture the feelings and the life where I sit well in my soul.  Not a tough choice. Grace, Gratitude & God Grace is undeserved, unearned, unmerited favor.   What a gift grace is.  It's an amazing, under recognized gift.   God shows grace.  No matter what you do, God shows grace.  When us mere mortals get outraged with criminal, immoral behavior or even  little grudges, God shows grace.  Shouldn't we strive to do the same?  I

Cream or Sludge- Choose!

  This quote. Albert Einstein?  Since then, many have claimed it as their quote - Tony Robinson, Henry Ford, etc. Change.  Change is positive because it's when you stop doing what is not working anymore.  It's accepting that you cannot change a situation that does not work anymore.  It's not failure.   Leaving something is a stage and there is a grief that goes with it because there is a loss.  It doesn't matter if it was a positive ending or a difficult ending - there is loss.  Now granted, some people fill it with gratitude and others bitterness.  The reality probably lays somewhere in the middle. I will share what I have learned in my first stage of transition - the cream rises to the top and the sludge sinks to the bottom.  You really see people's true inner self during transitions.  The cream is full of kindness, gratitude, love and genuine sincerity.  The cream is light and love.  It is the pillow for the cherry which comes later.  The sludge is the ego.  It&#